JM Cartwright Hopes

It’s very hard to make sense of anything during a tragedy. I think it says a lot about a person in how they deal such pressure, surprise, outrage and sadness. For author JM Cartwright, it is very telling that JM’s first instinct is to help, heal and hope.

As I write this, America – and Aurora, Colorado in particular – is reeling from the mass shooting at the premiere of the new Batman movie. It’s hard to even begin to comprehend the measure of evil it takes to perpetrate such an event. I’m finishing edits on my latest book but it sure doesn’t seem important right now.

I watched the coverage continually for the first few hours, but I find now that I can’t tune into it for long. The sadness and horror are more than I want to deal with. But the families and friends of those killed and hurt in Aurora don’t have that luxury, so I feel selfish and callous when I think of them.

There are plenty of folks throwing down opinions in a knee-jerk fashion, and plenty speculating what’s going on in the investigation and what’s in the mind of this killer. Me? I think of those who are in mourning, or hoping their family-members and friends are going to be okay. And once again, we lose more of our innocence.

Now, who’s going to go into a theatre without thinking twice about it? The price of a free society is the risk that goes along with it. We cannot prevent every attack, but at the same time, I wonder what we can do that doesn’t change who we essentially are as a people. How do we protect ourselves yet balance that with living free? It’s a catch-22, one that will go on and be argued endlessly.

In the meantime, my heart goes out to those attacked by this killer; and him I hate with a passion. I want him to receive swift justice and at the same time the death of a thousand cuts. Swift closure will not be granted to the victims. They will suffer the pains of loss and fear, over and over. Their lives are forever changed.

It’s hard to see the beauty and love around us when we experience a horrific event like the shooting in Aurora. I remind myself that life is bigger than the narrow scope of this murderous event, that we will move on and heal. But I hope we will remember, and think of the people in Aurora.

Let us resolve to do something positive to make a difference, to help someone in need, to bring a smile to someone’s face. How else can we begin to shift the balance back to the good? When you see a stranger, say hello. Reach out to someone at work or in the neighborhood you haven’t spoken to before. Make a difference.

Do one thing to make the world a better place.

A little bit of info…

I’ve been a mix of a dreamer and a doer for pretty much my whole life. The doer part is usually in charge. But I think it’s the dreamer that adds the spice, the panache and the zest.

My stories come from both sides – the doer helps me get the damned things done while the dreamer lets me express my creative, artistic side. My day job of running a small business appreciates both parts and I’ve learned to be more patient, more thoughtful as I go through the day-to-day tasks and interact with people. I’ve learned to appreciate a lot more things about my life since I started seriously writing, and I’ve had an entire world opened up to me from the day I was brave enough to click send and submit my manuscript.

I sold A Change Of Tune (which was actually the third book in the Change series that I wrote) first. I felt it was the strongest, which at the time I think was fairly accurate. By working with an incredible editor (Kate, I adore you) the other two got stronger, held a little more depth. I believe that each book I pen reflects my growth as a writer and I’m grateful to those in the business who are helping me, teaching me, letting me virtually hang around and absorb smartness.

The community of writers is an interesting place. Like all industries, it has its quirks, its absolutely riveting drama and its uplifting, triumphant events. I’m really glad to be accepted into it and I hope to broaden the readership for LGBT books.

I grew up in and live in America’s Second City. It’s an exciting place to be and offers lots of professional challenges and opportunities. I do have a hankering for the mountains, though. I love tall trees, water, green spaces and critters. I’m lucky enough to live surrounded by some of that, and my gardens are my pride and joy.

I hope you’ll let me know what you think of my writing, so feel free to drop me a line. Please consider joining my mailing list and I’ll keep you updated on what’s happening in my neck of the woods.

What I’m working on now:

I’ve finished Brainy And The Beast, have it in for edits and plan to submit to a publisher by September. If accepted, I’m hoping it will be out within six months. That frees me up to work on Antonio Diaz’ story. Antonio had a small but pivotal role in The Trouble With Angel, and his story is clamoring to be told.

More from JM Cartwright: WEBSITE | TORQUERE

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